Considering the big success and the importance gained by the machine STEP of our own production in leather goods and footwear industries, we have entirely redesigned the machine with the purpose to improve further its performance and make it even more efficient and reliable.

Hereunder all the changes we have carried out:

While keeping the same workable area, we have reduced the width of the machine of 30 cm and the conveyor length of 30 cm.

The belt has been replaced by one chain in order to guarantee a stronger and more durable conveyor system.

Thanks to the chain system, it is possible to get as spare parts anchor pins for the carpet.

The hardness of the chain allow to double the duration of the carpet.

The machine has been provided with a protection case to improve the safety level and the look.

The drying tunnel has also been improved very much in controlling and keeping the temperature set, guaranteeing much more power and constancy during the drying of the adhesive.